Reactor Decommissioning History
NASA's Plum Brook Mockup Reactor
revised 8/13/05


The Mockup Reactor (called MUR) at Plum Brook was a small "swimming pool" type test reactor. Operated by NASA (NRC license R-93) it had a generating capacity of 100KW and was not capable of producing electricity. It was operated from the late 1960's to 1973. It was decommissioned while the facility was in a "cold and dark" state. Reactor disassembly was done dry in 2004.

The "main" Plum Brook reactor (NRC license TR-3) was also decommissioned at this facility between 2003 and 2005. It is not discussed in this document.

Reactor Decommissioning Specifics

Internals Removal
The bulk of the disassembly was done by Wachs Technical Services technicians as training for the larger Plum Brook main reactor. Some of the long handle tools for the main reactor were used on this reactor. All work was performed dry. After training was completed Wachs disassembled the reactor "box" with standard hand tools.

Reactor Vessel Removal
No vessel used because of this being a swimming pool style reactor.

Segmentation and Packaging Plan (S&P Plan)
None used
because of the low dose rates.

Key People
Bruce Flannigan was the on-site Project Manager for Wachs.
Al Solano was the on-site Project Manager for MWH responsible for the reactor work.

Wachs Technical Services (WTS).
Argonne National Labs.


Related Publications and Documents
"The NASA Plum Brook Reactor Facility Decommissioning: Status and Lessons Learned" by Keith M. Peecook of NASA for the ANS DD&R 2005.

"The NASA Plum Brook Reactor Facility Decommissioning: Status and Lessons Learned" by Keith M. Peecook.
NASA's web page as of 8/13/05.
Wachs Technical Services as of 8/12/05
Steve Larson interview 8/12/05.

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